Saturday, September 28, 2019

Jean's Phoenix Eye Tattoo and Shadow Astral Form

Before Rachel Grey had it in Uncanny X-Men Reload (2004), Jean Grey had the Phoenix Eye Tattoo with her astral form in Uncanny X-Men Revolution (2001).  Jean also had a precursor to it when she had a floating Phoenix symbol at her head while using telepathy in Uncanny X-Men #257 (1998).  Finally, an alternate reality Jean would use a variation of the Phoenix Eye Tattoo in the 2015 Secret Wars storyline while battling Cassandra Nova.

Psylocke had received the Shadow Astral Form from the Crimson Dawn.  She had a crimson lightning strike tattoo over her eye.  During the 6-month Gap, Jean and Psylocke switched powers.  Jean now how the Shadow Astral Form with Phoenix Tattoo instead of the crimson lightning bolt.  In Reload, Rachel Grey mysteriously had the Shadow Astral form and Phoenix Tattoo. 

Uncanny X-Men #381