Monday, December 25, 2017

Teen Jean's Phoenix dreams, visions, illusions and manifestations

Teen Jean is a time-displaced version of young Jean Grey aka Marvel Girl who was brought into the future by Beast.

In All New X-Men #6, Teen Jean dreams about being killed by Wolverine and having the Phoenix manifest in her eye.

In All New X-Men #13 and #14, Teen Jean and Lady Mastermind create an illusion of Jean manifesting the Phoenix.  Later, Teen Jean reflects on the experience.

In Battle of the Atom #2, Xorn-Jean, a possible future version of Teen Jean tells Quentin Quire (a future version as Phoenix) that the Phoenix Force always whispers her name, Jean Grey, when she is near it.

In All New X-Men #24, Teen Jean is put on Trial for the crimes of Dark Phoenix.  Jean escapes the Trial and we see the Phoenix on the periphery of her thoughts.
In Guardians of the Galaxy #13, we learn that seeing recordings of adult Jean as Phoenix during the Trial, somehow allowed Teen Jean to power-up to where she can absorb psychic energies from those around her to super-charge her telekinesis.

In All New X-Men #26, Teen Jean again dreams about becoming the Phoenix.
In All New X-Men #30, Teen Jean confronts Emma Frost on the Astral Plane and Teen Jean manifests as the memory of adult Jean as Phoenix when she confronted Emma Frost about her affair with Scott Summers.
In No More Humans, the X-Men are transported to an alternate dimension.   There, Teen Jean is confronted by Dark Phoenix.  Teen Jean joins with the Phoenix and helps to restore the dystopian world in that dimension.
In Marvel Generations: Phoenix and Jean Grey, Teen Jean is sent back in time through the Vanishing Point to talk to adult Jean during her first Phoenix years.  Teen Jean and adult Jean-Phoenix fight Galactus to save an alien species and their home planet.  Teen Jean absorbs the psychic energies around her, including from the Phoenix Force and manifests a pink Phoenix effect with her psychic energies.

In Jean Grey #1, Teen Jean has a vision of the Phoenix.

In Jean Grey #6, Dr. Strange helps Teen Jean make contact with the spirit of adult Jean Grey, who is clearly still connected to the Phoenix.
In Jean Grey #7, the spirit of adult Jean possesses Teen Jean causing her to manifest the Phoenix effect.
In Jean Grey #8, Teen Jean gains a spark of the Phoenix Force.

In Jean Grey #9, Teen Jean continues to burn and the Phoenix Force returns!
In Jean Grey #10, Teen Jean with her Omega level psychic powers and a spark of the Phoenix battles the Phoenix Force.

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